by Aunt Lynnie
(Humble, TX USA)
Our first Eggs from the Breakfast Club.
My family thought I was crazy for wanting chickens in the city,
Little did they know I have been planning this for years with my kitty.
I purchased 3 baby chicks online when they were 6 weeks old,
When they arrived, my mail lady told me its against POA rules to have chickens and that I was bold.
I got the neighborhood kids involved and let them all pick names,
We ended up with Easter, Chicken Nugget and Mrs. Coop and they all love to play games.
For weeks, we watched them grow and every day we would check for eggs,
Then one day we opened the roosting box and there it was under Chicken Nuggets legs!
The girls have become our best friends and produce lots of liquid gold,
It was always our intention to share the joy of chickens and their eggs should never be sold.
by April
(Columbia, TN, USA)
Ancient wisdom you bring to us
A lineage long and dignified
Proud and resourceful
Full of purpose
Character that inspires
Delicate beauty
Yet gusto of the ages
You bow to me in respect
...and I to you
Feathers like fine lace
Feet unexpectedly soft
Eyes full of intelligence
I am in awe of you
Mistaken for simple creatures
You are so much more
Offering your eggs
To nourish my body
I love you
My darling hens
Happy in your company
Forever grateful
I am humbled by you.