You've come to the right place!
Before you think about ordering hatching eggs, you'll need to have all the equipment in place to allow for a successful hatch.
When you're just starting out, the choice between different types of incubators alone can feel overwhelming.
Which is where this page can help.
Here you'll find links to all my reviews of the equipment you'll need to see you through.
This information takes you from the moment you set the eggs in the right incubator, to watching as the embryo grows into a chick, and finally seeing your baby chicks hatch out.
Click on any of the images or on the titles and you'll go straight to that page.
This page is written in two sections: firstly, links to reviews of incubating equipment and secondly, links to pages explaining how best to use it.
Unless you have a broody hen, you'll need to choose between the many different types of chicken egg incubator.
This series of articles describes both the small and the larger options, and advises how to choose the right option for your individual circumstances.
If you're new to incubating, this is a good place to start.
This article looks at the candler, which will become a critical part of your incubating equipment. Through it, we can look at the inside of an egg as it develops.
From why to use a candler at all to a review of everything from the basic model to the more advanced, it's crammed with information.
Use it to make a true assessment of which will best suit your needs.
So your chicks are coming up to hatch and you need to provide them with some heat.
This article covers why heat is critical for chicks and why traditional heat lamps can be a real danger.
It then reviews two of Brinsea's radiant heat lamps, their drawbacks and advantages.
From the history of candling through to using hand held lighting equipment, this article details how to candle eggs.
With examples of what to look for at different stages of egg incubation, it provides links to more detailed pages about what's going on in the egg on different days.
It also has information about how to make two different types of inexpensive do-it-yourself candler.
So it's all worked perfectly. Your chicks have hatched, your brooder is set up. Now what?
The last hours in the incubator and the first in the brooder are critically important for the successful raising of baby chicks.
Here's a step-by-step guide for all those who know in theory what needs to happen but need to hear about the practicalities.
In this section, you'll find articles which look at the patterns to expect when incubating and hatching chicks, from setting the eggs to hatch day.
Each part contains one week's information about incubating equipment, what's happening to the embryo day by day and what to look for when candling the eggs.
It's been called "My bible" and "An amazing resource which we have come to rely on". Don't miss it!
There is a huge amount written about how to incubate and hatch. Some of it is excellent, a lot is misleading and much is plain inaccurate.
This book will become a critical part of your equipment. I go here whenever I'm unsure of information or want to confirm something about incubating and hatching.
My edition is well-thumbed. Yours will be, too.