We all love to make sure our flock has only the best food and drink. Whether to add oyster shell to a chicken's diet has long been a subject of discussion and debate in the poultry world.
Some swear it's critical for the health and productivity of their flocks, while others question whether it's necessary at all.
In this article, we'll unravel the mysteries surrounding oyster shell and, using properly researched studies, explore whether it's an essential component of a balanced diet for chickens – or an expense we can dispense with.
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Otherwise, keep scrolling so as not to miss out on any important advice.
It can be confusing to read that chickens need both oyster shell and grit – particularly when oyster shell products are often labelled "oyster shell grit".
But there's a major difference.
Grit is an insoluble substance which chickens need to be able to grind and digest food passing through their digestive system. In effect it acts as the teeth a chicken does not have.
Oyster shell is soluble: calcium from the oyster shell is digested by the chicken as she processes food and adds minerals required to meet dietary needs and maintain health and well-being.
All chickens need grit.
Only some chickens need oyster shell.
Click to read my article about grit, and the difference between it and oyster shell, in much more detail.
Here, we're going to discuss oyster shell only.
An oyster is a type of mollusc, found in saltwater environments and widely farmed for human consumption. There are more than one hundred different species.
No matter what the species, the shell of an oyster has two halves which are hinged together.
Critically important: about 95% of each oyster shell is made of calcium carbonate, together with a small proportion of protein(1).
Around 94% of a chicken shell is also made of calcium carbonate.(2)
If a hen doesn't get enough calcium carbonate in her everyday diet to meet the huge need for calcium to lay eggs regularly, two things happen:
So adding a calcium supplement to a hen's diet is critically important to her health, and to the strength of her eggs.
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There have been a number of different studies carried out testing an oyster shell supplement against other sea shells (clam, mussels and cockles particularly)(3, 4); against a hen's own eggs(5); and against a different source of calcium carbonate in limestone(5, 6).
These were the results.
Research(5) has shown that the safest way to do this is by using this process:
Research has consistently shown that, of all the available sources of calcium, oyster shell is the best source for chickens(1, 4, 5, 6).
This is critically important.
I use a small bowl which fixes either onto a wooden block attached to the wall in my stone coop, or onto the mesh of my Eglu coop's run. That way, the oyster shell doesn't get knocked over!
As a bonus, these bowls can double up as feed or treat bowls when attached to my puppy pen brooder. (Note: baby chicks should not be given any form of calcium supplement).
Can chickens have too much oyster shell?
Not if you offer it separately from their daily feed. Chickens instinctively know how much they need, and will help themselves (or not!) accordingly.
That's why it's important not to mix any form of additional calcium in with their usual feed. If they aren't able to control the amount and they have too much calcium, side effects can include kidney failure.
Do all chicken breeds need oyster shell?
There's no distinction between breeds. If a hen is aged 18 weeks or over and therefore about to come into lay, she needs a calcium supplement.
Can chickens eat oysters?
They can, and chickens do love fish, but it would be quite an expensive way of treating your flock! Use this link for more information about which fish chickens can eat, and how to feed it.
Is oyster shell vegetarian?
No – but then, neither are chickens!
Oysters are living organisms classed as "bi-valves", so by definition their shells are an animal product.
Pescatarians can eat fish, including shellfish. Vegetarians and vegans cannot.
But chickens are omnivores – they'll eat anything, including meat and fish. So it's fine to give your flock oyster shell unless you're vegetarian or vegan and have an ethical problem with it.
I'm vegan and don't want my chickens to eat an animal product. What can I use instead of oyster shell?
As the article explains, ground limestone is an acceptable substitute for oyster shell.
However, if your chickens have access to the outside, be aware that they will eat meat in the form of worms, bugs and even larger animals such as mice and frogs.
A lot of "facts" you'll find on the internet are often people's individual views, based on inaccurate information repeated from poor quality sources.
The information I provide in this article and others is based not just on my own experience, but on evidenced facts from scientific, peer-reviewed research and books from highly respected and experienced poultry keepers such as Gail Damerow.
Some of the trusted sources I have used in this article are these.
1. Ulagesan, S., et al: A Review of Bioactive Compounds in Oyster Shell and Tissues. Pub. Fronteers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022.
2. Eggs 101. Published and updated: American Egg Board, 2023.
3. Alm, M., et al: Mussel shells as an environment enrichment and calcium source for floor-housed laying hens. Pub. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2017.
4. Lee, W. D., et al: Superiority of coarse eggshell as a calcium source over limestone, cockle shell, oyster shell, and fine eggshell in old laying hens. Pub. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2021.
5. Islam, M. A., and Ishibori, M.: Use of extruded eggshell as a calcium source substituting limestone or oyster shell in the diet of laying hens. Pub. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Science, 2021.
6. Heuser, G. F., and Norris, L. C.: Oyster Shells, Calcite Grit, Ground Limestone, and Granite Grit in Rations for Hens. Pub. Cornell University, Department of Poultry Husbandry, 1945.
7. Saunders-Blades, J.L., et al: The effect of calcium source and particle size on the production performance and bone quality of laying hens. Pub. Journal of Poultry Science, 2009.