My Minnie

by Anonymous

My sweet little hen, Minnie, or as we lovingly called her “Min Min” - passed away this morning.

I bought Min Min last year at Easter with her two sisters, Regina and Jan. They were 2 days old and the sweetest little chicks. I remember naming all of them, and picking Minnie’s name because she was the smallest of the three.

She was always a spunky little girl. As these sweet chicks grew Minnie was the clear leader, the top of the pecking order. She was the first hen I brought outside for the first time after the reached age, and she loved the sunshine and green grass.

She always had a special connection with her sisters, always leading and guiding with a sweet demeanor. All my chickens are loving and enjoy being held and pet, and Minnie always let me know by giving me several soft coo’s.

She loved getting treats and always ran right to us when we came out of the back door - often hanging around and pecking on the glass hoping for more! She was an adventurous and fearless girl. She loved coming inside the house and walking around the kitchen before making her exit through the back door again!

Once, before I put up protective chicken wire on our back fence, she managed to squeeze under the wrought iron bars and went exploring around the nearby walking path and tunnel! I SPRINTED through the gate and was able to grab her before she got too far, ha!

All of my girls are Red Sex Links, and I have always marvelled at how pretty Min was. Her feathers were a rich brown/red and her comb and waddles were always big and bright! She always kept her self shiny and clean! She could have been a show chicken!

Because we live in such a cold climate, I bring my girls into the house routinely for a little “spa treatment” - I wash their feet in warm water, wrap them in a towel, and give them snuggles while I put Vaseline on their waddles and combs to prevent frost bite. Minnie LOVED spa day, always coo-ing and falling asleep in my arms as I treated her.

She spent her last day scratching and pecking in the sun, and eating treats with her sisters. Her very favorite.

Today I found her laying in an unused nesting box with her little head nestled in the corner. I tried to get her to stir, but when she didn’t move I went inside to find a box to put her in.

As I lifted her out of the nesting box, she blinked! She was still alive, but just so. I rushed her inside and had my husband put a towel in the dryer to warm her. We wrapped her in the warm towel and held her until she took her last breath.

I like to think she held on for me - so I could say goodbye and she could leave in peace. Her death was so sudden and unexpected. She was only 9 months old.

I loved this little chicken so much and will miss her dearly.

Rest In Peace my sweet girl - you will never be forgotten.

Comments for My Minnie

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The pain in my heart, she was my daughter
by: April Harper

I’m so sorry about your baby. I don’t know how I got here. My baby Japanese bantam Squeak just passed away in my arms.

I cried all day trying to get her to eat but I knew when her neck was arching backwards and she was flapping her wings that it was a seizure over and over.

Then I prayed for her pain to be over as I healed her and said mommy loves. She was my house chicken for 6 years. She and I got even closer when her sister Pip died last year.

She was the first thing I’d see in the morning and the last thing at night and she slept by my pillow all of her life.

I have no children but her. I want to thank God for making the seizures quick and I pray painless. I be lost my daughter, and I am so lost. I’ll keep ya in my prayers.

Death ends a life but not a relationship
by: Anonymous

Same thing happened for my beloved girl Jikool 3days before.

I wasn't home when she got sick and she stayed alive till I came back and then passed away in my arms, calmly.

I couldn't find any reason. She looked healthy and had great appetite that morning...

Jikool was my beloved pet I loved her so much and I'm still so devastated and shocked.

New to Raising Chickens
by: Craig Wolf

My wife and I and sons just got 6 chickens and I am learning what to do. I have read 5 books on raising back yard chickens but still have questions like how do I get them to go in at night.

Sonny, a Buff Orpington, is the leader. She tells the others what to do and keeps them in line. I clean the coop, the perches they sit on their heater fill their food and water with vitamins and a tablet that helps give electrolytes and nutrients twice a day.

I give them meal worms, crickets make fresh grass and let them out to roam free range. They greet me in the morning and again last night. I play classical music for them.

They chirp and coo and come to me to be fed treats. Does anyone have any suggestions. They are only 4 weeks old but I worry about them getting cold here in the N.E. I have a well built coop band run. I appreciate your input.

RIP Minnie.
by: Cath

Thank you for such a lovely memorial tribute to Minnie. It's a lovely story and I hope she has left you with very many happy memories.

She was loved and cared for, and she died peacefully in your arms, knowing that.

Some chickens are special in our heart, and she will never be forgotten.

Sending thoughts to you in your loss.

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